Dear Ground Crew,

         My head is swelling with the amount of information that I could share with you. First, I just returned from spending time with Amma, the hugging saint. She is from India and hugs millions of people around the world. Fortunately, she has an ashram here in the San Francisco bay area where she comes twice a year.

Today she talked about the forces of darkness and the need to send prayers for peace to the mountains, rivers, lakes, everywhere on the planet. In meditation she had us visualize the petals of white flowers raining the peaceful energies. She mentioned potential cataclysmic disaster energy. Usually she does not talk like this according to those who follow her regularly.

This information tracks with what some scientists are telling us about potential earth changes. In fact, one scientist is predicting a five day window from June 1 to June 5 when a big event could occur. The Ring of Fire is awakening. He is watching the west coast of the U.S. where the Axial Seamount Volcano is located. This area has a shelf like the area in Indonesia where they had the big tsunami in 2004. This undersea volcano has not erupted for 300 or 400 years when many people lost their lives. It is 300 miles from the coast of Oregon. There was a 5.8 earthquake in the area on June 1. They are watching southern California too along with many other places on the earth right now. Please watch this six minute video if you are interested.

On June 2, From ENE News TV: Scientists warning of mass die-off along California coast — Official: Seafloor littered with dead fish, washing up “as far as I could see” — Toxin has spread all up and down West Coast — Experts: “Very, very unusual…” This reminds me of how important it is for us to pay attention to what the animals are doing. Sometimes they are messengers prior to big events. They seem to know when to leave.

The Thrive Movement with Foster and Kimberlee Gamble are having a special Global Financial Update that you won’t see on mainstream news. They have recently returned from travels where they said that significant shifts are taking place and they will impact all of us. They will share: What’s happening between America and the rest of the world? What predictions has become reality? What should we be looking out for to protect ourselves? You can register for this special on-line conference for June 6, at Noon Pacific time,

Astrologically, with Saturn going retrograde June 15 for three months and the impending fourth blood moon the end of September, we are being catalyzed to into taking action. Since action is necessary we can’t drag our feet in resistance. We must step forward to stay in sync with change. We are receiving manifold support from the earth, planets, the Light Realms, and our Creator. It’s exciting.

We are learning to be in the now moment and to live with uncertainty. I like to call it “mastering the mystery.” Part of these times is about embracing the unknown. We are the co-creators of our New Earth. It’s what we came here to do. We are stepping more into our true roles. This will continue for the next seven years according to a Vedic astrologer.

There is a powerful grand new Light that arrived in April. The Vedic astrologer said it took over 9,000 years for this Light to get here. New portals of Light are opening around the planet. A huge portal opened in Nepal with the big earthquake. Another portal is supposed to be opening in Chile.

As Lightworkers it behooves us and the planet to work with the Light and the Matrix of Love. These energies can help shift the old patterns of darkness that need to be shed right now. The more we work with these energies the sooner we can co-create our New Earth. The divine plan is in action.

I hope you will get the book “The Transfiguration of the World,” by Gordon Davidson. He has a good pulse on what Lightworkers can do to help. The book is inspiring and invigorating for us to work with the new Light energies and frequencies. Towards this end, we are defeating the dark forces. They know this and know they are on their way out.

Every day I read a short chapter in this book. Yesterday I read about the “Key to the Unique Purpose of the Earth.” According to Gordon Davidson, “One of the factors in the Transfiguration is understanding the function of silica in the unfoldment of human consciousness on earth. Silica has certain transmitting properties because it can hold energy, and then release it in appropriate pulses to transmit information.

“It is the basis of the silicon chip which has transformed modern human life and communication. Earth itself also has a high percentage of silica/quartz in its geological makeup, and thus the planet as a whole has the capacity to receive and transmit energy.

“This is the key to its ultimate purpose, which is to be a receiving, storage and transmitting station for higher energies from many dimensions and galaxies and then transmitting these to the entire solar system and galaxy.

“Humanity is intended to develop the capacity to link with the galactic communications network through frequency attunement with the soul and higher spiritual contacts. . .”

He recommends that we use quartz crystals in our meditations and to purify our consciousness with compassion for all beings. We have big job, ground crew. We are connected to the Central Sun at the galactic core which is a portal to other worlds and dimensions and to the galaxy.


Connect us to the Galactics

By Valerie Donner


Connect us to the galactics.
Ring the bell.
We have nowhere to run to
And the earth isn’t well.

We need help
From our galactic friends.
We can put our heads together
To bring the darkness to an end.

Connect us to the galactics
Like we turn on our phones.
They are all around us
Where they galactically roam.

Why can’t we see them?
Why can’t they visit?
Something is amiss.
We don’t want to miss it.

We are excited to know we have friends.
This can’t be kept secret
While those in control
Scratch their rear ends.

Connect us to the galactics.
Let’s rise into space.
We deserve to know of each other
To take our special place.

© 2015 The Ground Crew


 Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner June 3, 2015

Greetings, I am Mira.

         You are maneuvering in a time of paradox. What you thought was true is no longer. You are learning to embrace life differently. Have you noticed how much what you believed is falling away? This is part of the ascension process. You must learn how to embrace new truths in every aspect of life. The third dimension is no longer the important energy or way of living. It is old energy. This is part of the reason that many are being guided to let go of things, relationships, jobs, issues, beliefs and what is no longer serving them.

Your higher dimensional selves are presenting themselves. You are becoming new through and through. We think you will like who you are becoming. As the old falls away you will be happier beings. You will welcome every opportunity to explore who you are. You will become radiant Light beings in service to Source.

You are living through chaotic times. From our vantage point on the Earth Council we can see how challenged many of you are right now. We also see how many ground crew are rising in happiness and Light. We can see more opened hearts and optimism about the future. While the old is falling apart you are coming together. Keep it up. This is time for unity and community.

In our galactic community we understand each other quite well. Since we are telepathic lies are nonexistent. We would know in a flash if someone was lying like you are learning to do. We work together for the highest good and the greater understanding. Our connections are instantaneous. We are creative and explore these types of solutions to problem solving.

You are beginning to feel how the Light is establishing itself in profound ways. You are picking up on these empowering energies. The world is changing daily. When the Light shines on the darkness it cannot survive. We want you to recognize the momentum that is building for you to become your galactic selves.

Towards this you will find life becoming easier. You might have to think and act quickly. You will be closer to your truth. You will automatically know what to do. You will be called upon to assist where necessary. You will be living the way you were intended to live in freedom, love, unity, joy and abundance.

Please continue to do the good work that you are doing. We love you and want you to know that our meeting as galactic family is rapidly approaching.

In loving service, I am Mira.




Heart of the Mountain Retreat
at Beautiful Mt. Shasta July 16-19

Who wants to play in the beauty of Mt. Shasta? The mountain is a wonderful place for fun, relaxation, communication with the Masters, angels, and Archangels, healing, meditation, spontaneity, magic and mystery. This is my annual retreat to the mountain. It’s a way of ground crew getting to know each other.

Register by June 15 and receive a 10% discount.
Please contact me at: 925-287-8976 or e-mail me at:

For more information go to the front of this website (

Also see the Mount Shasta Retreat Info Page

See Pictures from Previous Retreats Go to our FaceBook Page.




 In Conclusion

         These are choppy, chaotic energies in which to maneuver. We are living with anticipation and excitement daily to find out what is changing on the planet and in our lives. Our Creator is smiling upon us as we begin doing what we signed up to do. The Creator trusts us with the earth and life as we light the way into the higher dimensions.

Blessings, love and Light,

Valerie Donner


© The Ground Crew

 Sessions with Valerie Donner

         Working deeply at the heart soul level, which is where the healing needs to occur, Valerie uses her gifts of clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance and clairaudience. She has been meditating twice daily for over 40 years so this enables her to go in depth from her heart when working with people. She has been doing healing work for 15 years and has helped thousands of clients.

                  She invites her client’s team of their own guides, Archangel, Angels and Masters, as well as her own team such as the energies of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Kuthumi, Djwal Khul, the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Michael and Raphael, the Native American healers, and others, to be with you when the session starts. As she begins running the energy, information comes to her and she will give you a message. From there the session goes accordingly and includes a combination of spiritual counseling, energy healing, intuitive readings, channeling and teaching. It depends upon the clients’ wishes for the session.

         Valerie works with quantum healing because it is a blend of the spiritual body, mental, emotional and physical body. Disease starts at the spiritual level, goes to the mental, the emotional and then the physical body. She gets out of the way so the energies of our Creator can work through her.

Some benefits of having a session include:

  • Greater understanding and clearing of emotional issues with relationships including with those on the other side
  • Energy healing for physical issues as well as from trauma, abuse and addictions
  • Clarity, direction and guidance
  • Release of negative energies
  • Deepening the connection with the inner child and your soul
  • Help with spiritual growth
  • Readings from hour angels and guides
  • Aligned chakras
  • Clearing out of old core issues like fear of being unlovable, fear of the future, fear of being alone or not good enough
  • Insight into your divine purpose
  • Improved self-empowerment and self esteem
  • Feeling lighter and more positive

Valerie also does channelings and readings.

Sessions are available by phone or in person.   Please contact Valerie at: or by phone: 925-287-8976.   Rates are: $60 for 30 minutes, plus $30 for each 15 minute increments. Sliding scales are possible for those who need them.


More Information about Valerie
Valerie’s Schedule of Classes & Events

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