Straight from the Heart

October 1, 2022



Dear Ground Crew:


Here’s the latest from Apollo: “I come to you today with messages from the stars. We bring you connection, love, wellness, and good tidings from your galactic families. Take a deep breath for you are nearly done with the hard work of holding your light on the imploding third dimensional earth. We understand the task has been arduous. You didn’t realize how much work was needed to reach this point of the great awakening. Throughout your incarnation you have held steady with your light. Little did you know how important you are in the pathway of Ascension. You are beginning to find this out. As you watch the matrix and material world fall apart, you are practicing going within much more than before. In the past you believed you had to be followers. Now you are going to be the leaders. You will be the ones others will look to guide them through to the New Earth and your new Heaven on Earth. We want you to feel the excitement and all that you have earned for your hard work. We will celebrate you in the near future. It is almost over. Please let your heart sing as you feel the love from the Creator. This is what you came to reclaim. It is here now.”


Ground Crew, you are powerful beings of light. Your energy and your light are the reasons that we are in the final stages of removing the darkness from the earth. It is true that there is much going on in the outer world as we see it fall to its demise. However, there is an even greater amount going on within. Your gifts and abilities are awakening. This can be subtle and yet, even startling to remember how amazing you are.


You are self-actualizing and connecting to the God within. You do not need to follow the ancient teachers or the New Age teachers anymore. You have access to the pure Source energy within. When you follow this connection, your heart leads the way. This is how we will be living on the New Earth. It is through our hearts, our own internal GPS system.


We will cease to be at the effect of external programming because we are coming together in our oneness and our empowerment. The old self-doubts, fears, core issues, victimization, and third dimensional world problems will be left in the dust. So essentially you get to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again!


On top of this fun, you will have new technology, galactic friends and family, projects from your heart, abundance, enhanced creativity, and lots of celebrations. If this sounds too good to be true, just know it isn’t! It is our inheritance as we take back our planet. We will be given many rewards.


Every system on the planet is changing. Systems will be designed for the good of the people, not so that others can extract every last ounce of money from us.  Unfortunately, some people were designed to worship money instead of Source. In the evolution of our new consciousness, at some point money will not be necessary.


Can you imagine reversing aging, having perfect health, everything you need, and eventually living off of light? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a perfect life where you don’t have to complain about anything? You won’t have income taxes, and you won’t have to do jobs just for money. You will do things because it’s from your heart and your soul. You will be in joy.


You’ll be able to take special trips on spaceships and to other planets and learn from each other. You will be honored and revered because you were one of the special beings who participated in the ascension of the earth and all of creation. I think you could easily be called “The Prime of the Prime!” It’s okay to let that go to your head. You are special, indeed, and it is time that you recognize that!



The Prime of the Prime

By Valerie Donner


You are amazing beings.

You came to the earth

To be all things, 

Because you are the Prime of the Prime queens and kings.


Remember you are special.

 You can’t be bought or sold. 

You came to bring your light

 And to hold it so bold.


You are repellents of the dark.

You excel at this.

You work with a divine spark.

That will bring you bliss. 


You are children of God 

Made from a special mold.

You are of the truth. 

 You are worth more than gold.


You are lighting the way 

For how great life can be.

 And how transformation 

Will be for all to see.


You are the first.

You are the last. 

You are the Prime of the Prime.

 All of the tests you have passed.


Welcome, special ones, 

To the galactic portals.

You now graduate

To the life of immortals!



On a Personal Level


I went on another trip to the Redwoods a few days ago. I got some magnificent photos of the beings in the trees. This is at Muir Woods in Marin County in the San Francisco Bay area. It’s much closer than when I went to visit my family in Northern California. It was quite spectacular and I’m going to share a few of these photos with you.


Here’s some recent photos of ships where I live. I know the Galactic’s are here because I can feel them. We don’t always see them, but we can feel them. They are at work!




Straight from the Heart

September 1, 2022



Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo: ‘Today I want to discuss the great awakening. You find yourselves in the middle of the great awakening. The temperature is rising, the truth is penetrating, the light is accelerating, and you find yourselves wondering where time has gone. These are all signs of the great awakening. Where it stops nobody knows. This rising consciousness moves into eternity, and nothing can stop what is happening with the ascension of the earth. All of creation is focused on you now. Can you feel the love? Can you feel the heartbeat of the earth? The earth is ecstatic, and we hope that many of you are feeling similarly. We hope you feel the clearing of the darkness and how much more peaceful the planet is. Wherever you live this is happening in breakneck speed. The Creator is playing his/her hand. The cards are on the table. There is no going back to the material world because it is collapsing in front of you. You have a magnificent future. It could be chaotic for a while, but you have the tools to maneuver through whatever happens. Find the strength within the love of Source, and Source’s love for you in your heart. You will have everything you need. We are with you and will see you through.”

Ground Crew, how are you doing? Are you beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel? It is there. The movie is just about over. By listening to nature you can feel the happiness it is holding. By standing and looking at the sun, you can feel the higher consciousness. It is like being fed from the stars. There are many signs that the truth will set you free. Let the signs nurture you out of the past three years. Release the past because you are past it. The dark ones are on a free fall. The earth will be freed from them forever.

Much more of humanity is awakening. This is necessary so that what happened to this planet never happens again. The forces of light are advancing. They are making huge strides. They are ready and they are doing a fantastic job, just like you. This powerful strength reminds me of the words that Clint Eastwood said in a movie called “Sudden Impact” in 1983: “Go ahead. Make my day!” He has always played a tough guy. 

We are the tough guys and gals working for the light. We get to feel the strength from the love and truth within. We are advancing and we’ll have a sudden impact on the freeing of the earth.

Every thought we have is important. Every move we make matters. Practicing kindness and love anchor in more of the fifth dimensional energy and higher. We are eliminating victim consciousness and imprinting victory. We have a right to be our unique selves. We get to practice our sovereignty. We are required to stand in the truth and the light. Holding this energy is our job. We do not have to fight those who think differently from us. We just need to be ourselves and love and allow others their own awakening.

There are signs in the sky and there will be more. I have come to realize there are cloud artists working diligently to provide other signs and to reassure us of the great awakening. I imagine these cloud artists are angels and that they make art to delight us. They know some of us are looking for what’s going on in the sky. People all over the world are looking at the sun and the sky. One day they made a big heart, and I could feel the love coming from them. I have seen letters, a golden dragon, and even a cloud that looks like Trump. I thought this was funny. No matter how you feel about him, they did some great artwork. There is a great art gallery in the sky. Please take a few looks. Here’s a couple pictures: 


God’s Art Gallery in the Sky

By Valerie Donner


Open your eyes 

And look up. 

The sky is the canvas

 And who knows what they’ll cook up?


There’s all kinds of artists

 Waiting to reveal,

How to use the sky as media

To make things more real.


There’s faces 

Of animals and other beings to boot. 

They’ll make you happy

 And you can have a hoot!


Looking up at the sky

 Can remove you from this world.

 It can take you to other places 

 Where you can feel bejeweled.


There’s a saying:

“As above, so below.”

They’re showing us what’s here

 So that we can know.


Their symbols and writings

Would be nice to understand. 

I’m looking for the dictionary

So I will know firsthand.


Look up everybody.

Have a blast.

This art in the sky

Is quick and fast.

Recent Trip

I recently took a long drive to visit my family in the Redwoods in Northern California. I am pleased to say that I saw Esko, my grandnephew who had the Redwood Tree branch fall on his skull and crush his skull last October. He miraculously survived and will be turning four in October. He still has some special needs but he’s playing and having fun like a normal child. We are so grateful for your prayers and support.

Since some of you have never been to the Redwoods, I’m going to show you a few pictures near where my family lives: