Dear Ground Crew,

         This message finds me back, straight from The Heart of Mt. Shasta and my retreat. We had a wonderful time in nature and the healing waters of Stewart Mineral Springs. The attendees were a fantastic group with attention-getting stories of healing, recovery, spirituality and soul. We flirted with the precious wild flowers in Panther Meadows and connected with the sacred spring in the meadow. I provided a channeled message from St. Germain, Mother Mary, Adama (from Telos) and Kuthumi. Spirit and the nature spirits ruled the day.

Although it was hot we swam in Castle Lake and received the healing water. Our trip was blessed in many ways. The day before we left, wild fires appeared in the horizon. On our last day the winds changed and brought the smoke. It was all in divine timing and we left with a sense of fullness with plenty to process. Much love and many thanks to all who were with us both seen and unseen.

We need your prayers for rain in California and the entire western U.S… It is dangerously dry so prayer is important. Mt. Shasta is almost barren. It is usually possible to see the glaciers and snow. This year there were only a few small traces of snow.

It is interesting how nature seems to accept and adapt to the changes. Nature always finds a way to survive. It is only humans and the human ego that believes all should remain the same. Nature is constant change. We are only being inconvenienced in a minuscule way compared to how much the earth has had to adapt to human intervention.

Nature is healing. The other morning I was standing out in my back yard in my bath robe like I do daily. I felt something brush across my face, turned around and saw a huge tiger swallow tail butterfly resting on my living Christmas tree. I realized I was kissed by a butterfly. (Butterflies have always been my favorites and we don’t get to see as many of them here as we used to see.)



Kissed by a Butterfly

By Valerie Donner

I was kissed by a butterfly in the early morning of the day.

I got to gaze my eyes on the beauty that made me say “Hooray!”

Butterflies are messengers from above;

They carry the energy of the Creator’s love.

It’s all about the moment,

So you need to catch it if you can.

Hold it in your memory so it stays there,

Almost like it’s still in your hand.

There’s beauty all around us.

The butterfly is a magic wand.

It reminds us of Heaven

And blesses us on this earthly land.

© 2014 The Ground Crew




Timely Observations

Today I was sitting on a bench in downtown Walnut Creek, California, taking a pulse on humanity. There were happy couples, families, animals, friends and strangers, each with their destinations appearing to have a nice time. Lately, it feels like humanity has an irregular heartbeat. The energies are choppy and strange. I don’t know if it has to do with many of us Lightworkers becoming more sensitive and empathic. I have discussed this with some of my friends. I have observed some people being less sensitive to those around them with an attitude of, “I can do whatever I want to do!” without regard for nature or others around them. I find them fighting for parking spots, some courteously and others discourteously. “People are going one way or the other,” one friend remarked.

Some of us feel like we need to retreat and nestle into the comfort of our homes. Yet when we go out again we see careless people plugged into their phones and devices walking across crosswalks clueless about a passing car or what is going on around them. They are distracted. The other day it occurred to me that “We should use technology but not let technology use us.” Atlantis fell due to the misuse of technology. At the soul level some of us remember the fiasco. It was one of the worst things that ever happened to the earth. Are we going to do it again?

As technology progresses in the speed of nanoseconds and faster, are we losing more touch with humanity and what is going on around us. How do we respond to threats of billions of stolen passwords? What is behind this and are we so dependent upon the Internet and other forms of technology that we let it rule our lives? We love our smartphones but are they simply fulfilling our addictions to the need for instantaneous information? Once we get a fix of some information we need more.

Are smartphones making us smarter or more stupid? Do stupid phones make us yearn to become smarter? There is a paradox going on and who knows where it will lead? In the spiritual think tanks of this era I wonder what is ahead.


The Energies and the Issues

Due to the awakening consciousness and expanding enlightenment the opposing forces are acting out. They know their time is running out so they are using the energies to perpetuate the darkness. Wars, killing, negativity, suffering, greed, and deceit are highlighted as we bring in more of the Light. It might appear from the media’s account that “We are going to hell in a hand basket,” however that is untrue. We are actually expanding the Light exponentially.

The more Light that shines within us and on the planet the more our own shadows will appear. Have any of you felt stickiness when certain issues arise? One of the issues I have been thinking about lately is accusations. There is a lot to learn with this process. In particular, how does it feel to be falsely accused of something that you did not do? This is where whole victim issue surfaces. Our souls remember when we were accused falsely in other incarnations, perhaps killed, so this can raise an opportunity for healing. Sometimes it can be the smallest matter that one accuses another of doing. We have all done it. Let’s raise this one to a higher level of consciousness. Let’s own our parts in the play.

I recommend that you read Aluna Joy’s message from the Mayan Elders. It is short and to the point and discusses the current energies.


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
Channeled through Valerie Donner August 10, 2014

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, currently working full time with the Earth Council.

We bring you our love and complete support for the times in which you now find yourselves. The earth is making pivotal progress as she proceeds with her ascension process. Sometimes it is easier than others. We watch her closely. We know what she needs and what we must do.

There have been some recent unexpected emergencies. We are all called into action when unprecedented events occur. They are occurring with greater regularity, as you might have noticed. Unpredictable events are a high probability right now. The earth is taking matters into her own hands. Humanity is ignorant about its impact on the planet. One of our jobs is to assist the earth and her inhabitants to become more cognizant of the impact of their actions. The earth is not to be taken for granted.

We have special protective shields that we use when external events could occur. These shields are powerful devices that protect the earth and humanity. Any unwelcome space interference is also stopped with these energies. We also have to use them against what humanity does or tries to do to itself.

Our technology is substantially more advanced than the devices that are present on the earth. This is not to brag but to reassure you that we can handle potential mishaps if they occur.

You are precious to us and so is the planet. We have to be prepared for any potential circumstance. That is why we guard you and watch you closely.

One of the areas in which we are most concerned is that of energy. You have outmoded and dangerous forms of energy that need to be remedied. This is a major scientific matter. Our scientists work with yours much to the bewilderment of some rational minds. We have special ways of implanting ideas as well as other means for offering our assistance. You are coming closer to the advent of new forms of energy that will make life on the earth healthier and appreciably more prosperous.

In the future we will be giving you some clues about our direct guidance and how it impacts the planet. Please understand that we do our work at the request of our Creator. The earth has come a long way towards her health and wholeness. This applies to you also. We rely on our Lightworkers to be the catalysts for the work of creating a new earth.

I am Mira in loving service to you and the earth.



Radio Show

On July 9, I was the guest on the Internet, Revolution Radio, Freedom’s Lips with Monique Lessan. I talked about “Spiritual Relationships on all Levels and Dimensions.” It’s a two hour talk that is available on YouTube:

I asked the producer at the end of the show how many people had listened and he said “Over a million.” I am so happy that I could reach that size of an audience with the teachings. We never know how many we are helping with our work. Miracles are happening.

Private Eye Matrix Revealed with Monique Lessan 2014 07 09




Special on my Services

I am now offering a special on my energy healings, readings, channelings, and work. My usual rate is $120 per hour but if you buy this special package I will give you six hours of sessions for $567. That’s a savings of $153. If you want to work on certain problematic issues or are going through a crisis, whatever it may be, you may want to sign up for this special. I am offering it through September 15.

You may call me: 925-287-8976
or e-mail me: if you have questions.

If you have a session just to try out my work and choose to do the special, I will discount your first session.


Still Eating Healthy Chocolate

       Some of you might remember that I am touting the wondrous cacao based high antioxidant healthy chocolate that I have been eating with great merit. This healthy chocolate is:

      • Of the highest quality
      • Can help you lose weight, boost energy and protect your vital organs.
      • Is rich in crucial antioxidants and other nutrients
      • Is diabetic friendly and low glycemic.
      • Helps reduce cravings for unhealthy sweets
      • Is a satisfying way to eat antioxidants and heal the body

If you are interested in learning more please go to my website:


In Conclusion

Our work is cut out for us. We have to keep holding the Light and looking at the big picture. When we rise above the current events we can see how the new earth is unfolding and how the old is imploding.

Our jobs as ground crew are manifold. We are a testimony of the Light so we must come together in loving service to lend our love and Light wherever it is needed.

I hope the rest of your summer (if you are in the U.S.) is filled with peaches and cream (barring allergies to the cream) and may the rest of the world be blessed with all that is good for you.

Blessings, love, Light and peace,



© The Ground Crew



 Sessions with Valerie Donner

         Working deeply at the heart soul level, which is where the healing needs to occur, Valerie uses her gifts of clairsentience, clairvoyance, claircognizance and clairaudience. She has been meditating twice daily for over 40 years so this enables her to go in depth from her heart when working with people. She has been doing healing work for 15 years and has helped thousands of clients.

                  She invites her client’s team of their own guides, Archangel, Angels and Masters, as well as her own team such as the energies of the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Kuthumi, Djwal Khul, the Archangels Gabriel, Uriel, Michael and Raphael, the Native American healers, and others, to be with you when the session starts. As she begins running the energy, information comes to her and she will give you a message. From there the session goes accordingly and includes a combination of spiritual counseling, energy healing, intuitive readings, channeling and teaching. It depends upon the clients’ wishes for the session.

         Valerie works with quantum healing because it is a blend of the spiritual body, mental, emotional and physical body. Disease starts at the spiritual level, goes to the mental, the emotional and then the physical body. She gets out of the way so the energies of our Creator can work through her.

Some benefits of having a session include:

  • Greater understanding and clearing of emotional issues with relationships including with those on the other side
  • Energy healing for physical issues as well as from trauma, abuse and addictions
  • Clarity, direction and guidance
  • Release of negative energies
  • Deepening the connection with the inner child and your soul
  • Help with spiritual growth
  • Readings from hour angels and guides
  • Aligned chakras
  • Clearing out of old core issues like fear of being unlovable, fear of the future, fear of being alone or not good enough
  • Insight into your divine purpose
  • Improved self-empowerment and self esteem
  • Feeling lighter and more positive

Valerie also does channelings and readings.

Sessions are available by phone or in person.   Please contact Valerie at: or by phone: 925-287-8976.   Rates are: $60 for 30 minutes, plus $30 for each 15 minute increments. Sliding scales are possible for those who need them.


More Information about Valerie
Valerie’s Schedule of Classes & Events

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