Straight from the Heart

July 5, 2021


Dear Ground Crew:

Here’s the latest from Apollo on July 3, 2021,

“You have been stretched from here to there and continue to see how to apply yourself according to the changing circumstances. Little did you know you would be caught in such chaos and destruction. Both are here and so are you. You have been tested in your strength and courage, and your ability to masterfully maneuver through the changing energetic currents. Yet, you are here to participate in the huge awakening process on the earth. As challenging as it can be, you are needed here and will ride the situation through to its completion. You have been promised a beautiful new earth and it is already present. Although you may feel somewhat like a contortionist as you move through your daily challenges, you are successful and have won over the game of darkness.

You have enormous support, protection, love, and guidance from your galactic family and the entire realms of light. We are with you and will celebrate together when we have finished our work.”

What came to me today in preparation for writing this update, is the message “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.” This is from “Mary Poppins” and is sung by Julie Andrews in the 1964 musical.

Here’s the link:

The message reminds me that as we proceed through the Ascension process, we need to offset the bitterness with the sweet. As our world is changing, we are learning many secrets that are shattering our old reality. Part of the Great Awakening is unpalatable. We would not want to drink the medicine and in some instances even a spoon full of sugar would not be enough.

What can we do, ground crew, to sweeten this process of raising consciousness? First, please understand we always have a choice. Since we have emotional bodies on the earth, we get to process the emotions through what we are experiencing. In so doing, we are releasing and clearing the past. This assists everyone and especially the ground crew. Second, as we clear we are releasing third dimensional consciousness. Third, at this point when we release 3-D consciousness, we can move into the ascension energy of the 5th dimension and higher. This is a choice. Fourth, when we are in the fifth dimension, we are free to live in Unity, with love and light in our hearts, and live-in peace and calm. This is the consciousness of the 5th dimension and higher.

A Spoonful of Sugar

By Valerie Donner


A spoonful of sugar

Makes 3-D down.

It can clear our thoughts

And take away the frown.


A tablespoon of consciousness

In the higher, sweeter form,

Releases the boredom 

From the old-world norm.


A taste treat of light

Clears out the dark.

It reminds us 

We can take a walk in the park.


A few drops of syrup

Can sweeten things up.

Sometimes a few drops

Won’t quite be enough.


A spoonful of sugar

Can be replaced

With honey or jam,

And that will be the right taste.


No matter how you state it,

Whatever sweetener you use

Will take you to higher places

 Away from the 3-D ruse.


So sharpen your palate.

Use whatever sweetness it takes

To rise in consciousness

And be in a 5D place.

Some of us are having lucid dreams. Others are blessed with miracles. I have several clients who have had complete and total healing. One worked on it for over 20 years. Then she was shown in a dream by a teacher on the other side that she was completely healed. Another client who had a stroke in February 2020 saw a human brain and he was also told that he was healed. 

The other night I dreamed that I was with the fairies, the nature spirits and elementals and they were all celebrating. Like us, they are ascending and they were celebrating the new creativity that they will be expressing. They were excited about new colors they were going to be able to work with, new flowers they would create and were so happy.

All of the different kingdoms are going through this ascension right now.

The mineral kingdom, plants, and animals are all rising in consciousness. We are blessed to be here now.

Even though we have distractions and a multitude of things to attend to, we cannot forget for a moment the gift of life. Everyone here was especially chosen to be here now. Life is precious. It is a gift from the Creator. Let us be grateful for these bodies and for our presence here as we step into our mastery to help heal each other and the earth. We are here to remember how powerful we are and to create our new earth.


By Valerie Donner 


Expect the unexpected. 

Be grateful for what you receive. 

Share with others who may be in need.


Let the light delight you,

And surprise you in every way,

This is how you will be living every single day.


Be open to all possibilities.

There will be no more limitations.

There are solutions for everything.

Love will find a way.


Pay attention to your dreams

Where miraculous miracles can come through. 

Know you deserve all of this healing too.


The healing force is with you

So is the call of the wild, 

For you are deserving as God’s child!


Most of you probably know who Esther Hicks is, channel of Abraham Hicks for many years now. The other day she came up with a good affirmation: “Things are always working out for me.” This can be repeated as often as necessary and is a good way to alleviate worry and stress.

A message from Mira  from the Pleiadian high Council through Valerie Donner July 3, 2021

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am pleased to speak with you today, to our beloved ground crew hard at work. We are with you and know of your comings and goings, your successes and your failures, as you see them. We realize your doubts and your fears, your needs and challenges. We comprehend how much your world is changing and your relationships, also. In fact, it is challenging to find any place in your lives that is not changing.

This is what ascension is about. It’s about loving, learning your lessons, and letting go. You cannot rise into higher consciousness if you are still holding onto the chair in which you are sitting. Can you imagine there could be something so much more comfortable for you? Maybe you will be sitting in the commander’s chair on your ship with your galactic family? Yes, anything is possible.

Gone are the days of the old illusions. You are awakened beings of light so the illusions apply very little to you now. You are aware of what is true and what is not. You have had numerous experiences of having been tricked. It’s becoming what you call “old hat.” The dark ones are having trouble tricking you and confusing you like they used to do. You know the truth in your heart. Even though tricksters still try to mess with you, you are finding their energy less attractive. Be aware if something seems too good to be true. Do not hang on to every word some of these people are saying. The garbage has to be taken out.

The truth is rising to the surface like a meteor falling to the ground. When it falls it will bring explosive information that will spread quickly now. Most of humanity, whether they realize it or not, want to know the truth. These are the end times of living in the material third dimensional consciousness. The human soul longs for peace. We reassure you this is how you will be living.

Step-by-step, day by day, you are creating your new world. Before you know it, you’ll be living in 5th dimensional higher consciousness. We are  working together as a powerful force of light to lift the earth and all of life into higher consciousness.

Keep your eyes on the skies because we are with you.


I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and the Earth Council sending you, our love.


Heart of the Mountain Retreat at Mount Shasta

My retreat at Mount Shasta is intended to be from Thursday, July 22 through Sunday, July 25. As of this writing, there are terrible fires north of the mountain and south of the mountain. It is possible there could be too much smoke for us to go in three weeks but we are waiting to see.

Please send your prayers to all of these places where there are fires here in the west and everywhere. We are in extreme drought. Your prayers are needed.

Sessions with Valerie

You can help support this website and yours truly by having a session with me. I do spiritual counseling, readings, energy healing and clearings, and intuitive readings. My rates are: $60 for 30 minutes and $120 for 60 minutes. I may be reached at: or by phone: 925-287-8976. Contributions are gratefully excepted. You can use my PayPal address:


In Conclusion

Even though our world is crazy right now we still have a straight and narrow path towards our ascension. If we do our part by consciously keeping our thoughts and focus on the 5D energy, we will be living in the energy of the new earth. We will be much happier when we live like this.


Blessings love and light, 

