Dear Friends,
My name is Kymberlee Ruff, MFT, and I was asked to be the “Messenger of the Hopi/Tibetan Prophecy” by Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma and Ven. Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche. Last year I had a dream that Grandfather Martin asked me to  write a posting on January 1, 2020 to help to prepare everyone for what was coming this year.



I had another dream where Grandfather Martin said, “It is important to tell the world that this Pandemic is necessary to stop CLIMATE CHANGE!”

Millions have worried and marched in the streets,  but not one country has made enough changes. The scientists claim that the tipping point of no return is when Earth hits 1.5 degree Celsius. We are at 1.1 degree Celsius now. This global pandemic has caused the airplanes, cars and cruise ships, etc. to STOP, which has lowered the carbon emissions.

(Grandfather Martin in front of Hopi Prophecy Rock)


Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma was the “Keeper of the Sacred Tablets of the Fire Clan.” There are TWO paths on the Hopi Prophecy Rock: “The Path of the One Heart” and the “The Path of the Two Heart.” 

I consulted with my  Hawaiian Elder friend, Woody Vaspra, who was also very close to Grandfather Martin. Woody created the “World Council of Elders” at Grandfather’s request.

Here is how Woody described it: “The Hopi Prophecies are about going back to a more natural way of life. This would allow all life on the planet to recover. We are at that moment right now as depicted on Prophecy Rock. All the examples of chaos around us are the messages to wake up.”


(Joe, Woody and Grandfather Martin in front of Prophecy Rock)

Woody went on to talk about Algonquin Elder Grandfather William Commanda, who was “The Keeper of the Wampum Belts of the Seven Fires Prophecy”.

“We are going to make it through this mess. Grandfather William lit “The Eighth Fire, which will bring brotherhood and BALANCE back to life.” 


(Grandfather William Commanda)

“We have to believe and pray for the Return to Peace and Love.”

The Natives talk about living in a way that considers “The Next Seven Generations.”  I want my children and their children to have a planet to that is inhabitable


(Grandmother Agnes Pilgrim)

I remember Jeff Bridges in the movie “STARMAN” saying:


May All Beings Benefit,
